As part of its obligations, ALTEC College is required to support international students in adjusting to study and life in Australia, as well as achieving their learning goals and attaining the learning outcomes of their course.
ALTEC College is committed to providing appropriate support and welfare services to students to enable and provide them an environment, in which each student feels safe and supported, and contributes in a positive manner to ALTEC College community.
ALTEC College provides a range of student support services to all its clients in order to assist and support the successful achievement of their learning outcomes. Services may include (but are not limited to):
- Pre-enrolment information and materials, including indicative cost of living and life in Australia;
- Orientation information and orientation programs
- Study support and study skills programs;
- Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) programs or referrals to these programs;
- Equipment, resources and/or programs to increase access for learners with disabilities;
- Mediation services or referrals to these services;
- Flexible scheduling and delivery of training and assessment;
- Counselling services or referrals to these services;
- Academic pathways and further study information
- Information technology (IT) support;
- Learning materials in alternative formats, for example, in large print for students with special needs
- Career Development Counselling
Dedicated student administrative staff ensure that students have access to all the required services, counselling and referrals.
In addition, ALTEC College has delegated a full-time, on-site student support officer to provide student welfare related services and referrals, including (but not limited to) accommodation, counselling, crisis services, disabilities and equity issues, financial matters, legal issues, medical issues, mental health, peer mentoring, programs promoting social interaction, religious and spiritual matters, employment rights as a student, and stress-management.
Also view our English Language Support section below for students with English as an Additional Language.
Student with Disability
The college acknowledges the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, and its obligation as an education and training provider to support the rights of students with disability to participate in educational courses and programs on the same basis as students without disability.
Students who wish to apply for adjustments to training or assessment methods on the basis of a disability should contact Director of Studies and bring supporting documents for consideration of disability (e.g. a letter from a treating professional).
Students with disabilities are subject to the standard rules and policy on assessment and teaching methods, and assessment is only varied where a student can demonstrate with appropriate documentation that he/she is disadvantaged as a result of disability.
ALTEC College shall ensure that appropriate student support services are available to assist students in completing their studies and reaching their academic goals.
Information on student support services, and procedures for accessing these services, including contact details of the Student Support Officer will be made available to all the students through;
- Student Handbook
- College Website
- Student Orientation Program
The Student Support Officer shall ensure that up-to-date information is available for student support services and that any contact details provided are current.
Students may access the Student Support Officer directly (e.g. email, phone), by contacting any administrative staff, Academic Manager, or via the front desk. The front desk shall also assist with organising appointments as soon as practicable
English Language Support
To enrol in most of the ALTEC College courses, prospective students will need to demonstrate proficiency in the English language – in particular, the Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) skills relevant to the course.
ALTEC College recognises that students come with a vast range of skills, experiences, motivations and capacity to deal with the challenges required when commencing training. With this view, ALTEC College will ensure that students are supported through completion of their training in all aspects of Language, Literacy, and Numeracy. ALTEC College will not discriminate against students who are identified to need LLN assistance.
LLN needs may be identified through pre-enrolment and pre-training assessments, during student orientation, and/or trainer/assessors’ recommendations. ALTEC College will analyse these needs and provide a strategy for assistance. These needs will be addressed through classroom learning and assessment activities over the duration of the program. ALTEC College’s Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (LLN) Policy further supports these needs.
As part of student support services, a qualified English language educator may be available to help students in their English language skills, specifically,
- To understand the requirements of an assessment
- Help with understanding the structure of a unit or assessments
- Assistance with English expression, grammar, spelling, learning to edit own work
- Understanding basic principles of grammar and syntax
- Help with reading/ comprehension, pronunciation, slang and cultural/social aspects of Australia
- Preparing for oral presentations
ALTEC College supports students throughout their enrolment to ensure that they are able to effectively participate in all aspects of learning and complete their courses in the stipulated duration.
Students can access college’s student support services by approaching either the Student Support Officer, front desk, or any staff member in their immediate contact.