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Staff Code
Within the sanctity of education and values of personal and professional development, high standards of conduct are expected from all staff of the college. This code ensures that all staff members maintain appropriate standards of conduct and help maintain and enhance the reputation of the college.
The personal and professional behaviour of ALTEC College employees should conform to standards that could reasonably be expected of their positions.
- ALTEC Standards
- Performing duties in accordance with ALTEC College’s mission, values, priorities and objectives;
- A commitment to perform official duties with professionalism, care, skill, fairness and diligence and to exercise their given authority for the purposes for which those authorities have been granted;
- Engaging in conduct which is professional and which has regard to ALTEC College’s interests and policies and which does not bring ALTEC College into disrepute;
- Treating students, staff and other members or visitors of the college with courtesy, and with respect for their rights, duties and aspirations; and
- When presenting a professional judgment on a colleague or a student at the request of an appropriate ALTEC College committee or authority (e.g. A committee dealing with appointments, complaints, appeals, or dismissal), the obligation both to the colleague and to ALTEC College to be fair and objective.
- Follow any lawful and reasonable direction made by the ALTEC College
Employees shall not do anything which could compromise either their or the college position.
Employees are expected to act with honesty, fairness and propriety at all times.
Every employee shall:
- Take reasonable care for the health and safety of persons who are at their place of work and who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work; and
- Cooperate so far as it is necessary to enable compliance with any requirement imposed under occupational health and safety legislation in the interests of health, safety and welfare on college or any other person
A copy of the full code can be requested from college administration by writing to –