ALTEC College provides our students access to various IT systems and online portal for a seamless learning journey.
Course Information Portal
Access the Course Information portal to view your current enrolment details, results, announcements, and access other useful resources.
Library Services
Access ALTEC College’s library to browse through the recent updates on resources/texts available to loan. You can reserve a resource online, and we will keep it ready for you to pick-up.
Office 365 login
Access the Microsoft Office 365 applications.
Your credentials will be shared via email upon enrolment.
Use of ALTEC College’s IT systems and online portal is governed by the following rules. By accessing this portal, you accept and agree that;
- Terms and Condition to use ALTEC online systems
- Access is for authorised ALTEC College students and for study purposes only
- You must not undertake any anti-social activities, including nuisance e-mail, chain letters, and obscene, harassing, or unwelcome behaviour
- You are required to advise appropriate ALTEC College IT staff or your trainer/assessor of any security issues or breaches of which you become aware
- You must not share your account with anyone and must not disclose your password to anyone, including ALTEC College employees
- You accept that all actions and usage may be monitored or recorded
- You must not use ALTEC College systems to attempt to gain unauthorised access to other systems
- You must not use ALTEC College’s IT resources for commercial purposes without explicit permission
- You must not send unsolicited e-mail messages to multiple users, unless explicitly approved by the appropriate ALTEC College authority
- Access for the following purposes is specifically prohibited:
Unauthorised streaming video, music, internet radio, online games, file-sharing, recreational chat
Gambling/Gaming - ALTEC College IT systems and networks are not to be used for any unlawful activities, including violation of copyright, hacking and the deliberate spreading of viruses or malicious code
- Violations of these Terms of Use can result in disciplinary action, dismissal or in extreme cases referral to appropriate authorities
For IT support, email the IT help desk for a quick response: