
    ALTEC College
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” ALTEC College is an Equal Opportunity employer.”

ALTEC College offers a vibrant and a multi-cultural work environment with a strong focus on staff development, collaborative work practices, value creation and an inclusive and collaborative organisational culture.

Our campuses boast modern infrastructure, latest technology, top educational facilities, resources and students services, that sets a new benchmark within the sector. Designed as a contemporary learning environment, the campuses offers a range of vocational programs in Business, Accounting, Management and Hospitality. With its new strategic partnerships in the higher education sector, we envisage new programs and courses that create innovative academic pathways and opportunities for our students.

We are committed to providing high quality education programs to our diverse domestic and international clientele.

For more information about the college and college’s programs, visit the ALTEC college’s courses section in this website.

Selection Process

A Selection Committee will consider all applications and shortlist candidates for interview who appear to meet the selection criteria at the highest levels. They will be invited to attend an interview and the remaining unsuccessful applicants will be notified accordingly.

The Selection Committee will subsequently seek referee reports, if not sought prior to interview, before making a decision to make an offer of appointment to the preferred candidate. A referee must be able to comment on your work experience, skills and performance with respect to the selection criteria. Referee checks conducted after the interview process can sometimes delay notification of the successful candidate and other interviewees.

If you are the preferred candidate, you will receive a written offer of appointment to the position.

Do not take any action, such as resigning from your current position, before you receive a written offer of appointment.

Your Application

All applications must accompany;

Applications are to be sent to:

The HR Manager
ALTEC College
Level 08, 620 Bourke Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Or by email:

Specific application requirements and procedure, including the closing date, will be as per the published advertisement for the position.

Job Openings

All our current Opportunities are listed in our LinkedIn Page.