Student Safety and Wellbeing

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Student Safety and Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing

ALTEC College supports mental, physical, social and spiritual well-being of students.

ALTEC College is committed to fostering an environment, in which each student feels safe and supported, and contributes in a positive manner to the college community. ALTEC College achieves this by;

ALTEC College strives to create a working and learning environment which is free from any form of harassment, and where all the members of the college community are treated with dignity, courtesy and respect. ALTEC College considers any form of harassment an unacceptable form of behaviour, which will not be tolerated under any circumstances and disciplinary action will be taken against any staff member, contractor or student who breaches the college policies and codes.

If you have any concern about yourself or a fellow student, please contact the Campus Manager immediate by reporting to the front desk or by phone or email or as per the Contact details on this website.

View ALTEC College’s Student Support services for information on personal and learning support services.

Information on student safety can be viewed here.

Student Safety

ALTEC College is committed to providing and ensuring a safe and healthy working and learning environment for all the staff, students and visitors to the college in accordance with its legislative and regulatory obligations.

International students have the responsibility to obey the law of the country and take all the steps necessary to ensure own safety and that of others.

Obeying the law

It is important to remember that when you are living in Australia you need to be aware of, and follow local laws and rules.

Being granted a student visa includes signing a document called the Australian Values Statement; a student agrees to respect the values and to obey the laws of Australia during their stay. Failure to comply with Australian laws (including state and territory laws) can result in a fine or the cancellation of the visa and possible deportation. And conviction of a serious crime it can result in imprisonment. A comprehensive outline of Australian law and the legal system, in particular public safety, can be found at the Australian Government website – Public Safety and Law

Personal Safety

Australia is a safe and secure study destination with a very low crime rate. However, as with anywhere in the world, it is important to always be alert and aware of your surroundings and to avoid dangerous areas and activities, particularly at night.

The activities surrounding a public place can vary through the course of the day. It may be busy at certain times and isolated at others. It may be different during the day than it is at night. These differences can have a very different impact on the way you feel when you are in them. Being in a place when it is busy is very different from when the place is isolated. There is often no reason to be afraid, but – be alert, be aware, and be careful.

Public transport in Australia is largely safe. However you should still exercise the same caution as you would at home.

In most cases, taxis are a safe way of getting home at night. However, as with all forms of public transport, passengers need to be alert.

Australia’s emergency phone number is 000 (zero zero zero), which is a free call from every phone in Australia, including mobile phones. (Please note that many newer digital phones require the user to dial 112, the international standard emergency number. Consult your mobile phone carrier if you are not sure how to access the 000 emergency phone number.)

You should call 000 if you are in a life-threatening situation and need the help of the police, fire brigade or ambulance service. This includes if you are witnessing a crime in progress. However, do not call 000 if it is not an emergency, for example if you have a cold and need to see a doctor, if you are lost and need directions, or if you are locked out of your house.

When you call 000, if you cannot speak English well, you must first tell the operator what kind of help you need (police, fire or ambulance) and then say your language. You will be connected to the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) directly, so do not hang up. The TIS National interpreter will then help the police, fire or ambulance service to obtain your address and other details.

While you are waiting for help to arrive, try to stay calm and don’t do anything that will put yourself or others in danger. Generally, help will arrive very quickly and it is best to leave these situations to the people who are trained to deal with them.

Useful Information